Choosing a private school in Atlanta- Family show and tell

Choosing a private school in Atlanta- Family show and tell

Choosing the right private school can be a challenging prospect. From interviews and school tours to faculty visits and more, you undoubtedly will spend a great deal of time gathering copious amounts of information about the independent learning centers that could be ideal for your children—and your entire family. But sometimes, what it really takes to help you make your final decision is hearing from someone who’s been there, who has seen what a school can offer and do over the years to help a student flourish and become who they are supposed to be. Here, several families share their personal experiences with the metro Atlanta private schools that have become central to their children’s educational journeys.

Atlanta International School and the AISx Program

The Cobb Family: Parents Andrew and Denise (their son, Noah, graduated with the Class of 2024)

Why did you choose to have your child attend a private school in metro Atlanta?

We moved to Atlanta for Noah to be part of Atlanta United’s Academy program, and the academy’s training schedule led us to explore a non-traditional school environment. For Noah’s senior year, Atlanta United secured a partnership with Atlanta International School’s flexible learning program, AISx. As a family, we were very excited about this because we knew AIS was a phenomenal academic school.

Why did you select your school?

One of the deciding factors in our decision to join the AISx program was the ability to have in-person classes combined with remote and self-paced learning options. Additionally, AISx offers college counseling support just like a student receives in a traditional school setting.

What has been the biggest benefit of choosing this school for your family?

As parents, we love it for many reasons. The leadership of the program at AISx is best in class. We could tell right away there was a big commitment from the school in exploring and offering non-traditional learning models to support kids like our son who were pursuing their passions and dreams.

Also, there was a tremendous amount of effort and thought that went into developing Noah’s class schedule. It was tailored specifically for him and helped him focus on pursuing his soccer commitments while meeting his academic demands as well. AISx also provided opportunities for Noah to participate in “normal” school activities if he so chose—events such as prom, school dances and the graduation ceremony and activities.

What would you say to other families about selecting a private school in Atlanta?

The choices available can be overwhelming. There is no one-size-fits-all, and you must find what works for your child and your family. We tried several different types of programs before we found the best fit for our son with AISx.

What should people know most about Atlanta International School?

Noah enjoyed his time at AISx immensely. He loved all of his teachers and felt challenged academically while still being able to fully pursue and meet the demands of his soccer schedule. We are now entering the hybrid/virtual school process for college. AISx has given us a great deal of hope that we can take the next step for college and be successful.

Mount Paran Christian School

The Diemer Family: Parents Daniel and Allison (their two sons are in elementary school at Mount Paran Christian School)

Why did you choose to have your children attend a private school in metro Atlanta?

When our oldest son was entering kindergarten five years ago, we considered both public and private schools in our area. I had previously worked in the public school our children would attend and knew it was a wonderful school, that they would be well supported by the staff and challenged academically. However, in the end, we felt that choosing a private Christian school offered a unique blend of academic excellence as well as a Christian value-based education.

Why did you select your school?

We chose to send our boys to Mount Paran Christian School  for a variety of reasons, the main reason being that we desired our boys to be in a community where faith and learning intertwined. Mount Paran’s mission is to provide Christ-centered academic excellence while encouraging servant leadership. We knew in order to achieve this for our boys, we would need to partner with their school and the community.

Another reason was that Mount Paran Christian School ranges from Pre-K3 to 12th grade. At the time, we had one son beginning kindergarten and the other beginning preschool. We liked that they could begin their school journey together and remain at the same school from preschool all the way to high school graduation.

Finally, we knew our boys would eventually want to become involved in competitive sports and extracurricular activities. Mount Paran Christian offers a wide range of programs for students of all ages and abilities.

What has been the biggest benefit of choosing this school for your family?

The community! The families at Mount Paran Christian School have become our extended family. Mount Paran Christian School offers a tight-knit and supportive environment where students, teachers and families collaborate closely. There’s a strong sense of belonging and individualized attention. Our boys have already made friendships that will last a lifetime.

What would you say to other families about selecting a private school in Atlanta?

For those considering a private school in Atlanta, I would suggest selecting one based on your personal values and one that supports your future goals. There are many private schools in the Atlanta area. Most specialize in specific areas, whether that be based on faith, academic support or extracurriculars. Take the time to tour several that you are interested in and ask if you can shadow a current student at the school for the day. This will give you a better sense for how the school day operates, the demeanor of the staff and the camaraderie of the student body.

What should people know most about Mount Paran School?

At Mount Paran Christian School, students are known, loved and prayed for regularly by the staff. With smaller class sizes and a supportive community, students receive personalized attention and guidance, preparing them not only for academic success, but also for a life rooted in faith and integrity.

North Cobb Christian School

The Godfrey Family: Parents Matt and Laura (their three school-aged daughters attend North Cobb Christian School)

Why did you choose to have your children attend a private school in metro Atlanta?

We were looking for a school that supported and supplemented our Christian values while still offering strong academics and robust extracurricular student opportunities.

Why did you select your school?

We chose North Cobb Christian School because it provided everything we were looking for in a school. Of utmost priority, we appreciate how the biblical worldview being taught in our home is supported and supplemented at school.

What has been the biggest benefit of choosing this school for your family?

We love the warmth and caring nature of the staff and teachers. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they love our kids!

What would you say to other families about selecting a private school in Atlanta?

Don’t just look at a school’s printed curriculum or buildings to make a decision. Examine the culture of the school and its foundational tenets. Does the school reflect what your family believes not just on paper, but also in truth and action? Also, we would strongly encourage families to visit in person and for students to spend time at the school through a shadow day or other in-person opportunities. How does the faculty interact with parents and other students? How do students interact with each other? The culture and “hidden curriculum” of a school taught through their faculty and staff is worth investigating, alongside the school’s published materials. We feel this culture at North Cobb Christian School sets it apart from other private school options.

What do you want people to know most about North Cobb Christian School?

What we would want people to know about North Christian School is what makes it special, and that, for us, is the culture. Even when we were brand new to the school, we experienced a warm welcome, and that warmth has never worn off. The faculty and staff at NCCS attract families that align with and support their Christian mission. The students feel that love and support, and it’s this cycle that makes North Cobb Christian School such a wonderful place for our family to connect and for our children to thrive.

Woodward Academy

The Webb Family: Parents Anthony and Rachel (their oldest child attends Woodward)

Why did you choose to have your child attend a private school in metro Atlanta?

We are both graduates of Atlanta private schools and wanted to provide our children with similar educational experiences. With that, it was a priority to find a school with a great education in a safe and inclusive environment. Atlanta has an array of excellent private and public schools, but when it came to choosing the best school, Woodward Academy stood out! We were looking for a rigorous, well-structured and diverse academic environment—an environment where kids are both challenged and encouraged to be inquisitive.

Why did you select your school?

Anthony attended Woodward Academy and is an active alum, so we had first-hand experience of Woodward’s integrity. Woodward’s commitment and intentionality to developing their students into good global citizens is exactly what they will need when graduating and embarking on the ever-changing world.

What has been the biggest benefit of choosing this school for your family?

The biggest benefit has been a community in which the entire family can contribute and participate. Anthony is a member of the president’s advisory board, and Rachel holds an officer position on the parent community board. We enjoy being able to support the academy in various ways.

What would you say to other families about selecting a private school in Atlanta?

The best chance for academic rigor and diverse learning and extracurricular activities would be at a private school in Atlanta, particularly Woodward Academy.

What should people know most about Woodward Academy?

Woodward is a family environment that prides itself on offering every opportunity for every child! It has strong academics as well as extracurricular activities, and it is a very welcoming environment.